The Wwoofers
Organic Farming / alternative ways to travel / permaculture / solidarity…
Le premier projet documentaire de Badaluna. Travaillé et retravaillé depuis près de cinq ans. Bientôt sur vos écrans !
The first Badaluna’s documentary project. Worked again and again for the last five years. Almost finished. Soon to be seen !
El primero projecto documentario de Badaluna. Trabajado, entonces de nuevo trabajado durante las cinco años pasadas. Casi terminado. Pronto sobre sus pantallas !
Das erste Dokumentarfilm-Projekt von Badaluna. Gearbeited und wieder gearbeited ûber die letzen fünf Jahren. Fast fertig. Bald auf ihrem Bildschirm.
Pitch :
The story of two young french guys traveling in New-Zealand, using the network of the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farming. A solidary way to travel. You work half of the day with the farmers, to help them, and they give you « room and board » in exchange.
A kind of road trip, following the rythm of the seasons. With a real contact with the people living there. You also learn a lot about farming, permaculture, biodynamic, all kind of useful things for young townsmen who want to see how it’s going on in the countryside…